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What Is the AMP Model of Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is a phenomenon that has been around for decades but that has recently taken the news and society in general by storm. As more and more people become aware of this terrible crime, it’s important to understand and be aware of the dangers and implications that come with this exploitation. This article from the expert legal team of Florin|Roebig Trial Attorneys informs us about the AMP model of explaining and defining the essential aspects of human trafficking.

What Is The AMP Model?

The AMP, or "Act, Means, and Purpose" model is a model that was created to better explain the core elements of trafficking as defined by the federal government. One component from each element must be present to determine that the situation is potentially human trafficking. The following is a break down of each component of this model:


The act refers to how a trafficker comes into contact and obtains a human trafficking victim for the purpose of exploitation. Actions that count as an element of this component include:

  • Transports

  • Provides

  • Induces

  • Recruits

  • Harbors

  • Obtains

It’s important to note that if a minor is induced into child commercial sex acts, it is considered child sex trafficking regardless of whether any of the above elements were used.


Means refers to the way in which perpetrators keep human trafficking victims working for them and silent about their situations. There are several different means a trafficker can use, and they will likely cater these means to the specific individual and what may motivate or manipulate them most effectively.

Examples of means in which a human trafficker may keep a person in the cycle of human trafficking include:

  • Abduction

  • Fraud

  • False promises

  • Coercion

  • Threats

  • Use of force

  • Deception

  • Drug addiction

  • Abuse

  • Promising to give out benefits or payments

Human traffickers will typically use any means necessary and available to attract and keep victims in the cycle of forced labor.


The purpose refers to the ultimate goal of human traffickers and perpetrators. There is typically only one component to the element: the exploitation of other human beings.

Human Trafficking Regulations And Laws

There are a number of human trafficking laws and regulations that the Department of Homeland Security has put in place in attempt to decrease the prominence of this crime. These laws include:

  • The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act: The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act, or the TVPA, is an act that works to regularly update and create sustainable human trafficking prevention, provide protection programs for survivors of human trafficking, and prosecuting traffickers.

  • The Customs and Facilitations and Trade Enforcement Reauthorization Act of 2009: This act was put in place as an amendment to the original Tariff Act of 1930 and include updates that prohibit the import of goods to the United States that were manufactured through forced labor or human trafficking.

  • PROTECT Act of 2003: The PROTECT Act, or the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today Act, was designed to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse commonly seen in human trafficking.

  • Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004: This Act includes Section 7202 which created the Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center as a way to enforce more effective integration of the enforcement human trafficking laws and response efforts.

Resources To Turn To If You Or A Loved One Is Being Human Trafficked

If you or a loved one is involved in human trafficking, alerting the authorities or another person who can help can feel scary and even life threatening. However, there are people who can help and ensure your safety and freedom.

One way to seek help is to call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1 (888) 373-7888 or text “HELP” or “INFO” to 233733. The hotline employees speak more than 200 languages and are available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. If you believe someone is in imminent danger, call 911.

Special thanks to Florin|Roebig Trial Attorneys for their expertise in providing this article.

About Freedom Place

The Freedom Place office tower is the first-ever billion-dollar office tower to be built with the goal of profits going towards fighting human trafficking. The prime Class A office building will be home to Fortune 500 corporate headquarters and leading companies that require modern, flexible, open spaces and the best amenities in a live-work-play environment. [Video]

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